This activity is for the cognitively active residents in your facility.
Provide several small boxes with lids. (I have used tea gift set boxes, special edition crayon tin boxes, large cigar boxes, etc….Sometimes you can find interesting small boxes at a second hand store.)

Each box must be stocked with small or miniature items, several items in each box.
It works best to sit around a table so participants can face each other. To begin, the first participant chooses a box, opens it, and then chooses one item to remove from the box. With this item in hand, the participant shares his or her thoughts about it; why they chose that item, what memories it evokes. Other individuals are encouraged to share their thoughts or memories about the item. When talk diminishes, the second participant chooses a box and the activity continues. The therapist may also contribute memories thereby facilitating others to remember more.
Suggestions of items include clothes pin, cap gun, wooden spool, miniature kitchen utensils, pen, recipe card or booklet, small tools, darning needle, whistle, magnifying glass, figurines (animals, birds, etc.) playing cards, marbles, jacks, large safety pin, lamp wick, baby items, miniature tea cup or tea pot, small stuffed animal, dog biscuit, eye glasses, seed packet, jack knife, toy truck, small scissors, plastic bugs, silk flower, rocks, arrow head, small toy tractor, wooden blocks, watch, brooch, large button, craft tree or bird, necklace…..Go through your house, garage, and dollar store. The more variety of small items you have in the boxes, the more fun the activity!