It is good fun to do a crossword puzzle in a group.  It is important that participants are fairly equal in cognitive ability for the activity to be fun for all who play.

Although one can purchase over-sized crossword puzzles from a catalog, these are still difficult for all players to see.  The best alternative is the use of an overhead projector.  These are old pieces of AV equipment but if you have one available, they are very easy to use and provide wall-size puzzles, clear and easy for all to read.

Simply locate a good crossword puzzle book, not too hard, not too easy.  Choose puzzles with your participants in mind.  Copy the puzzle onto plastic film using the copy machine.

Unless you have a wall-size dry erase board, you will need to tape paper to the wall.  (Rolls of “paper ends” can be purchased from newspaper offices for a nominal price.  They are 2 1/2 to 3 feet wide and come on large rolls.)

Once you place the film on the overhead, you will have the wall-size puzzle.  Direct it onto the paper and you are ready to go.  Speak clearly and loudly so everyone can hear the clues.  You may need to skip around the puzzle until several words have been filled in and more letters are available as additional clues.  I have found most puzzles take 35 to 45 minutes to complete.

You may be able to use a laptop and projector to get the puzzle onto the wall if your department has this capability.  For ease of use and set-up, the overhead is hard to beat.  Once you have it you will find other uses for it as well.

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Crossword Fun!