Participants for this game must have the ability to read. Instead of bingo numbers, each square contains the name of an item associated with Thanksgiving dinner.

If you wish to reuse the cards, laminate them first so they can be easily cleaned.

Provide a card and markers for each player. Markers might be Legos, large square beads, poker chips, or other easy to pick up items.

The game facilitator draws a card and reads the word given. Each player having that item word on their card covers it. Bingos are achieved the same as a regular bingo game however, when one gets a bingo they must say “Gobble, gobble”. (Most people are avers to doing this initially but press the point because they will all begin to have fun with it!)

Prizes could include gift tickets for $.50 at the coffee shop, quarters, Little Debbie pumpkin pie flavored wrapped cookies, pine cone turkeys made earlier as a craft project, and if you play blackout, the prize might be a purchased turkey banner from the dollar store.

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