Some individuals spend considerable time walking about the facility. They often have no destination in mind but are simply filling their time and getting out of their room. Providing a “scavenger hunt”, adds interest to their walk, gives them a goal, and gives them some feeling of achievement when they have completed the list of items to be found. The items (laminated colorful pictures that can be easily cleaned, saved, and moved about) are secured in random places about the facility, all visually available to the walkers. Some may be higher than others, some partially hidden by a poster or hand rail. There should be some degree of searching involved to make this an enjoyable activity. Placing the pictures too obviously will detract from the hunt. Once the hunt has been available for a week, move the pictures so individuals who have already found them several times will now need to search different areas and will be able to enjoy the hunt all over again. Staff members are asked to encourage the residents to participate by providing them with a scavenger list, explaining the game, and checking to see how the resident has done on the hunt.