Much of the social interactions throughout our lives center around shared meals. Individuals who share in the preparation of a meal bond over the slicing and dicing and the discussion of past recipes. Individuals in a long term care facility, especially the women, were involved daily with the preparation of meals throughout most of their lives. When they weren’t preparing and cooking the meal, they were planning the next one. Having the opportunity to participate once again in the preparation of a meal and to share that homemade food with friends as they linger over coffee and light chatter is like a trip back home. 

Because of the historical importance of food in our social lives, any food activity should be carefully planned with the needs and abilities of the participants considered. Always, the activity should be comfortable, casual, and enjoyable with the eating area somewhat self-contained and calm. Participants should be encouraged to spend as much time as they like, enjoying the good eats and companionship.