This is a group program of light stretching and exercises performed in a seated position.

Gather your participants in a large circle all facing the center. The facilitator should also be apart of the circle.

The entire activity consists of three parts; the warm-up exercises, the game, and the cool-down exercises.

Participants will become familiar with the animals of the warm-up exercises and their movements so be sure to use the animal name when introducing each exercise. Perform the actions slowly and repeat each movement at least three times. Elicit shared experiences about the animals and enjoy the conversations!

Once you have completed the warm-up routine, introduce the game. Play for as long as your participants remain involved. With some groups this may be ten minutes but with others it may be twenty. Use your judgement but play long enough that players become familiar with the game and knowledgeable of expectations.

After the game, lead everyone in the performance of the cool-down exercises. Again, participants will become familiar with the weather type and the movement it requires so be sure to use the name of the weather represented with each movement. Perform the movements slowly and repeat each one at least three times. As with the animals, elicit shared experiences about weather. Physical activity helps generate brain activity and using both the physical and mental provides a very beneficial & enjoyable shared time.