The game of “Have You Ever…?” is a simple game of question and answer, the answers being “yes” or “no”.

​If left at that, the game would continue quickly to the end with little interaction. These questions, however, open windows to additional discussions. When one answers “Yes” to the question, “Have you ever slept in a tent?”, dig a little deeper. Where were you when you slept in a tent? Were you camping with your family? What is the scariest thing about sleeping in a tent? You know, a skunk could probably just walk in and cuddle up. Has anyone else camped out in a tent? Was it scary?….And so on. There are so many wonderful stories that people have to share and this is a perfect game for eliciting some of that great history.

​You don’t want to spend too much time on one individual as all participants will want to share. Be certain to provide speaking time for everyone.

​You will need to judge the best number of chips as a starting point. Twelve will not be enough, twenty might be too many. Find the best number by playing a game or two but provide enough to make it a challenge.

​Also, chips are better than pennies. They are cleaner and easier to handle.