Purchase two or three each of several vegetables: carrots, potatoes, green peppers, radishes, parsnips, zucchini, yellow squash, etc.  It is fun to include peas in the pod but you will need to buy a full bag.  You want enough that each participant can have their own.

Use pre-printed labels if you have them or use a dry erase board.  Display the name of one vegetable; PEA, for example.  The participants locate their peas.  If it’s safe for them to do so, they can shuck the peas and taste the real item fresh from the pod.  Display another label; RADISH.  Again, participants locate their radish, already washed.  Those who want can taste the fresh garden radish.  Continue on.  This activity is cognitive, tactile, and taste sensory.  It also evokes memories of their own gardening days.