One activity staff member gather information that may be of special interest to facility residents.  This material is then printed in large font so it is easily read and constructed in a small booklet format.  Each resident, who is capable or reading and comprehending, is presented a copy at the first of each month.

Items to include in the newsletter are:

-Monthly observances: real to fun, but never too serious

-Weekly observances: same as above

-Daily observances: same as above

-Activity highlights for the month

-Resident birthdays for the month

-Information about the month itself: birthstone, flower, name origin, anything of interest

-Humorous poems or short stories about the month

-At least one word scramble puzzle

-At least one word search puzzle

-Crossword puzzle for the month

-Holiday maze

-More information on at least one observance: i.e. National Cable Car Day.  Information would be gathered on cable cars and presented on a single page.

-Local interest: information on a point of local tourism or the county museum, oldest elementary school, etc

The paper is generally seven to eight two-sided pages.  It takes 6 to 8 hours to gather and construct the paper as some material must be modified and the acquisition of appropriate puzzles is time consuming.  It is well worth the effort!