Activities for the Visually Impaired

(asterisk denotes activities explained further in a main menu listing)

Listening to stories being read, as a one-on-one activity in room or in a small group

Listening to audio stories in their room; free player and tapes are available from State Library for the Blind.

Verbal Activities:
Memory Group *
Writers Retreat*
Life writing (by dictation or by recording voice)*
Name That Tune
Name That Sound

Tape and tear painting (for those with some vision)*
Wood Working*

Rhythm Band
Playing Piano or Keyboard
Jumbo playing cards for bingo or whist, etc. (for those with some vision)

Treasure Boxes filled with soy beans, wheat, or rice, containing small buried objects*

Feel Vision:
Presenting familiar objects, perhaps from childhood or a life’s occupation or hobby; eliciting memories that surround the item; doll, teddy bear, rolling pin, pocket watch, violin, string of beads, compact, pipe, car keys, etc.

For individuals with some vision, checkers using playing pieces of highly contrasting colors (dark red and black are too difficult to tell apart. Replace the red pieces with jumbo white buttons or cut your own pieces from craft board.