The object of this game is to gather enough parts to complete the construction of a snowman. Provide each participant with a “Parts Inventory and Number Requirement” page. Also give each participant a paper plate (easier to pick pieces from a plate), the contents of one parts envelope, and a die.
Parts are earned by throwing a die. Each piece of the snowman is related to a specific number; refer to the parts inventory sheets. To get started, a player must first earn the body and the head, in any order. Once these two pieces are acquired, other parts can be added in any order.
(If a player has not earned the head and body after 5 rolls, they are given the parts so play may continue with everyone having equal chance.)
To add to the sensory flavor of the game, the lyrics to “Frosty the Snowman” are included. This can be sung before or after play or both. Ask participants if they remember building a snowman as a child or helping their own children build a snowman later in life.
Play the game more than once. The first time is always a learning experience. The second time players will have an idea of expectations.