Each “hen” made her own costume. One first must purchase a hooded white sweatshirt in a 2x or 3x size and a boa of white feathers. We found these at Target and Walmart. The boa is basted up and down the sleeves of the shirt. Next a comb is made from 2 pieces of red felt cut in appropriate fashion, sewn or glued together all along the top and sides, stuffed with paper towels, and then pasted to the hood of the sweatshirt. The beak is simply a cone rolled from yellow construction paper with a hole punched on each side. A rubber band is fitted to each side and looped over the ears. The legs are covered with tights in orange or yellow or leggings of a like color. Yellow plastic dish washing gloves are fitted on each foot for the chicken feet. Because they are rubber and stretchy, they stay on quite well. Hens wear shorts under the sweatshirt. One hen carries an iPod that plays the Chicken Dance and the hens dance in and out of hallways, offices, and public areas. They might even try to get residents, or guests, or other staff, to join them. Two other versions include (1) the introduction of the housewife who tries to gather her chickens wielding a rolling pin and (2) a staff member dressed as a red fox who chases the chickens looking for dinner! Both are great fun with staff and residents alike enjoying the ruckus.