The Community Service Group is a recurring group that convenes once or twice a month. The group is run by the residents but there is an activity staff present to assist.
The residents each select a cause or charity that is close to their hearts and they vote on which they are going to support. They create a list of 4-5 different agencies in need and place them on a schedule. This gives everyone advance information on the reason for their meeting in preceding weeks. Some charities may require more than one meeting. For example, sewing dresses for the Orphan Grain Train required one meeting for the dresses to be made and a second meeting to package and attach notes. If the assistance will be a monetary donation, funds raised from various activities can be “banked” until there is a sufficient amount for a meaningful donation. The activity staff member can help with names of local charities of which residents may not be aware. A list for the Jamestown area can be seen below.
Once the cause/charity has been determined, group participants decide how best to assist; money donation or goods. The staff member can look online or call the chosen agency to determine their needs and how the committee can best provide. It’s also possible that local businesses will do a matching donation if they are contacted in advance.
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