There are many craft items that can be made with craft sticks. It’s a versatile activity as individuals with a wide range of skills can be involved in at least some aspect of the process.
These pumpkins are made using 12 craft sticks, one paint stir stick, 6 wiggle eyes, raffia, a stretch of copper wire, craft paint, and Elmer’s glue.
Two small holes are drilled into the paint stick, centered and about 3 inches apart, (for wire hanger). The paint stick is painted black. The craft sticks are painted orange. Once the sticks are dry, assemble the item. Simply put some glue in the center of the paint stick, the width of four craft sticks. Lay the craft sticks across the glue leaving approximately 2 1/2 inches extending down the bottom. Hold for a bit until they’ve stuck. Then apply the two other groups of four sticks at equal distance from each end. Once the glue has dried and they are safe to handle, apply wiggle eyes, raffia, and wire hanger. Mouths and eyebrows look best when applied with a sharpie.