Items required: packets of garden seeds; additional packets of the larger garden seeds such as peas and beans so you can open one of each; seed catalogs, one for each participant; a small bowl for each type of large seed.
Gather participants around the table. Greet each one by name, look them in the eye as you do, and touch their hand.
Place the box of seed packets on the table and pull out one packet. Tell everyone that you have a packet of seeds (tell them what kind) and then hand it to one of the participants. Encourage them to look at the packet and feel it. Pull out a second seed packet and do the same with it. Continue until all the seed packets are out and each participant has at least one.
Next bring out the extra packets of the larger seeds. Explain what you have then, cut the packets open and pour the seeds into a bowl. Pass the bowl around the table and talk about the shape of the seeds, the color, and what they are. (Participants can be encouraged to touch the seeds but be careful…..this is the type of item that could go into the mouth.)
Bring out the seed catalogs so that each participant has one and look at the pictures.
Items required: seed catalogs, seed packets, plastic vegetables or, perhaps, real ones.
Gather participants around the table. Greet by name, eye, and touch.
Provide seed packets for each participant. Hold up one vegetable. Identify it and pass it around the group so each participant can hold it and feel its texture and its shape. Then ask players to find that vegetable seed packet. Help them by providing more clues or by sitting the plastic vegetable next to its seed packet. Ask the participant to set the plastic vegetable on the seed packet. Then go on to the second vegetable and do the same activity. Continue on until all vegetables have been paired with their seed packets.
Look through a seed catalog until you find a good picture of a tomato. Hold the picture up so everyone can see it and ask if anyone has a tomato in front of them. Continue to show the picture while you encourage players to look for the tomato. Next find a picture of green beans and ask participants to look for the green beans. Do this with each type of vegetable until all have been recognized or at least looked over carefully.