Acquire brochures of John Deere machinery from the local dealer. Cut out the best pictures and use them to make “tents” for each table and then gather the John Deere toys around the tents. Run a computer generated welcome sign that utilizes green and yellow lettering and attach it to the room’s door or to the wall above the John Deere poster.

Using the same brochures, cut pictures to make a large poster (full tag board size) to place at the entrance to the activity room as a welcome to participants. When you begin to advertise the activity ask residents if they have any John Deere paraphernalia they would like to bring to the party. Many a retired farmer has an old John Deere cap and has some photos. Spouses may enjoy helping with this opportunity to share history.
To help guest fill their time, while waiting for all to gather, scatter a few pens and word scrambles on each table.