**Check for latex allergies first and ask only those who do NOT have an allergy. Remember also to check with other staff who might be in the area.
Items required: balloons blown up and stored in a garbage bag, various kitchen utensils
Gather participants around the table. Greet each one by first name, eye contact, and a touch of the hand. Present a gathering of kitchen utensils; rubber spatulas, pancake turners, wooden spoons, whisks, slotted spoons, pot drainer, etc.
Give one utensil to each participant and help them to grasp it appropriately. Bring out one balloon and bat it into the air using your kitchen utensil. Call the name of the participant nearest the balloon and direct them to bat it with their utensil. Continue to bat the balloon and call out names so participants will be more aware of who is to bat the balloon. Add a second balloon and then a third. This activity is much more fun when there are at least two facilitators. When one balloon floats away, simply add another from the bag. To close, have players place their utensils into a common box and bag balloons.
Items required: two or three sets of kitchen utensils, easily and cheaply acquired at the thrift store, and 4 or 5 storage canisters.
Gather participants around the table and greet each one with name, eye, touch.
Bring out one utensil from the box on the floor. Hold it up for all to see. Pass it around the table letting participants hold it and feel it. Ask for a label. “What is this?” Give choices. “Is this a rubber spatula or is this a whisk?” Give clues. “You could scrape a bowl with this.” Last clue, “Is this a spatula?” Once the spatula has been labeled, place in front of one participant and pick up a different utensil. Follow the same procedure with this one as you did with the first. Continue until all utensils have been labeled and placed in front of a player.
Next, place a storage canister in front of each participant. Ask them to place the whisk in the canister, the pancake turner, the spatula, etc…until all the utensils have been stowed in the canisters. Remember, try not to allow incorrect choices. Place your hand on theirs if a wrong choice is about to be made and repeat the direction.