This is an involved art activity that requires considerable work on the part of the facilitator but it produces a piece of art that is quite striking and admired by those who participate as well as viewers.
1. The facilitator uses masking tape to produce a picture on the construction paper.
The tape is torn, not cut, to produce a natural line.
2. Several papers must be completed before the activity can begin.
3. Cover work space and participants with protective gear.
4. Provide paints and paint brushes.
5. Direct participants to paint the entire paper, brushing across the taped areas as well as all other exposed paper.
6. Allow the painted papers to dry thoroughly; participants may be encouraged to paint a second picture while they await drying.
7. Carefully peel off the masking tape to reveal the unpainted picture beneath.
8. Provide Elmer’s Glue and glitter and, using examples, explain the making of stars, snow on branches, moon light on water, colored leaves on the trees, or shine on snowflakes. (Extra fine glitter makes a prettier picture.)
9. “Frame” the completed picture by placing it on a larger sheet(s) of complimentary construction paper before hanging to display.