Individuals with a wide range of skills can participate in this activity. You will need a collection of paint sticks (acquired for free), four for each participant, white craft paint and brushes, buttons, pompoms, felt scraps, craft glue, wiggle eyes, and a wire for hanging. Before starting, drill wire-size holes into the tops of several sticks; each participant needs two sticks with holes for the hanger.
Participants paint all the sticks white. While they are drying, they can choose scraps of felt in colors they want for their snowmen’s scarves and hats. If necessary, they can cut the pieces to shape and size.
Once the paint is dry, have participants wrap the “scarf” around the indented portion of the stick, or the neck. Cross the scarf in the front and glue in place. A button can be added to the cross point, glue the felt hats in place. (Stocking caps look cute if a long narrow triangle is cut from felt and the top half of the triangle is folded over toward the front.) Glue on buttons of choice and then the nose. The nose can be a small pompom or it can be a tiny orange felt cone carrot. Add the eyes last. Let everything dry, attach the copper wire and hang.