This is a very entertaining activity for everyone involved!
Make this the type of picnic you would have in the backyard with your family. Decorate the tables with red and white checked table covers and use plastic ware and brightly colored disposable plastic plates and bright napkins. Mixing red, white, and blue colors looks very inviting.
Display any available items that are reminiscent of picnics past; an actual picnic basket and thermos jugs are a nice touch. Ants made from light poster board and scattered about the table are guaranteed to elicit smiles and conversation.
Because it is the middle of the winter, hanging a very large yellow poster board sun surrounded by yellow and orange rays will add warmth to the scene. Also, if your facility has an imitation tree, move it to the picnic area.
The menu is important because it is, first of all, a picnic and, secondly, an activity to elicit memories from the participants of past picnics that they may have planned or attended.
Must-have picnic food includes homemade potato salad, baked beans, hot dogs on buns, pickles, chips, lemonade, and watermelon. Also ketchup, mustard, and coffee.
Participants helping themselves from serving bowls and platters is part of this family style meal and once the food is on the table, staff should sit as well as partake.