Items required: one or two decks of jumbo playing cards. There are large playing cards and there are jumbo playing cards. Jumbo works best. Card holding racks, the kind that sit on the table, one for each participant.
Gather participants around the table. Greet each one by name, eye contact, and touch.
Place one holding rack on the table and briefly explain what it is. Demonstrate that act of placing a card in the rack. Next give a holding rack to each participant. Bring out the deck of cards and deal one card to each player with the instruction that they are to place the card in the rack. (Do not confuse the required task by talking about color or suit; that will come later). Some players may not be able to pick up the card from the table so you can simply hand them the card rather than “deal” the card. Some hand-on help may be required. Remember, hands-on means helping, NOT doing it for them.
Once the first cards are in the racks, deal out a second card and then a third, and so on until each player has five or six cards in the rack. To close this activity, pass around a small box and ask players to place their cards in the box.
Items required: one or two decks of jumbo playing cards; colored templates that depict the four suits, made in the size of the cards; enough that each player can have a set of four.
Gather participants around the table and greet each one appropriately.
Bring out one set of templates and show them, one at a time. Describe the color and the shape. Ensure that each participant has seen the template and heard the description before moving on to the second. Do this with each of the four suits.
Give each participant ONE template. Taking turns, provide a playing card that will match the template and direct the player to place his/her card on the correct space. Now you may discuss briefly the color and shape of the card and how it matches the template. Do this with each participant two or three times. Then give each player a second template, a different color from the first.
Now when you give each player a card you must direct them to look at both templates before placing the card down. Point out the color and the shape of each card and template. Move their hand with the card near each choice so the visual comparison is easier. Help them make the correct choice. Move around your circle, assisting each participant with this sorting activity. Keep conversation at a minimum when discussing the task but remember to smile and have fun as well.