This game was made especially for the Easter season. The object of the game is to be the player who gathers the most eggs. Since there is no logical end to this game, it is best to establish a time limit before you begin. Example: say you will play for 30 minutes and whoever has the most eggs then will be the winner.
There are many inexpensive plastic toys on the shelves at Easter. I found these rabbits at a K-Mart and they have made perfect playing pieces. Chickens, ducks, or flat-bottomed eggs will work just as well, as long as you have enough so that each player has their own.
The playing “board” took some time to make but it was fun. You can come up with your own ideas for the squares and for the shape of the track. A simple round, oval, or square track is not very interesting so you do want something that will provide choices and thereby increase levels. The “Rabbit Holes” found in the corners and side spaces of the board are the starting points for players. At the beginning of each game, a player chooses a “hole” and places his/her playing piece on that spot.
The first player hits the spinner and moves the number of spaces indicated. (If you don’t have a spinner, dice will do.) If the space has writing, the player must do as indicated. Perhaps the player will collect eggs, maybe lose eggs, or maybe move elsewhere. Action moves to the next player and so on until the time has elapsed. Each player counts their eggs and the one with the most, is the winner.
Example of the game board that we created on a standard size poster board.