Winter can bring seemingly longer hours and longer, darker days. Morale can take a hit. It’s a good time to provide an enjoyable activity designed for the staff only. We have three such activities listed below. (Click each game image for each game packet.) The items required are minimal and once you have them, you can use them year after year.

You will need to establish a “base”, an office where an individual is always present and is willing to provide minimal participation. This “base” will be the place where staff members can turn in their found items and receive their reward. The individual manning the base has only to receive the located item and hand over the reward. Rewards do not need to be big items. Typically, we have used full-size candy bars, bags of trail mix, Quacker bars, bags of small cookies, Fiber One bars, etc.


The Big Dill Scavenger Hunt
Clam Search Scavenger Hunt
Gold Rush Scavenger Hunt