The Great Reindeer Races!

This is a fun activity that can be used throughout the month of December. The reindeer are easy to construct and participants enjoy hearing the announcers use of the reindeer names, knowing that their reindeer is somewhere in the pack heading for the finish line.
The race course is also easy to construct by using masking tape. Simply mask out a 3-sided track approximately 2 feet wide and 16 feet per side.
Then make cross marks with the tape approximately every two feet, breaking the track into 24 squares.
All the reindeer are assigned an “owner” by lottery. The reindeer names are placed in a box or bowl and participants draw out one name. They are then encouraged to cheer on their reindeer!
The order of play has been determined by Santa….On Dasher, on Dancer, Prancer, Vixen….Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen. So, whoever drew the name “Dasher” will begin the race with the first roll of the dice. Others follow in order.
A large “yard dice” works really well as it can be rolled on the floor and everyone can see it. Much of the excitement of the race is elicited by the announcer so use someone who is outgoing and who can “play it by ear”. First, second, and third place winners can be given an award, also easy to make. Everyone should partake of delicious “Reindeer Morsels” and coffee after the race.