(Also known as The Unlucky Seven Game)
This is a small group activity for 3 to 6 players. Before beginning the game, each participant is given a card and a set number of nickels. The more nickels the longer the game will last; six is a good number.
Each player puts one nickel in the “kitty”. Then, each player rolls 2 dice to see who will start the game; highest number starts. The first player then rolls the 2 dice and places a nickel on the number they rolled. If doubles are rolled, you get to roll again. If you already have a nickel on the number you roll, that number goes to the next player to the left. If that player also has the number covered, it moves to the next player, etc. (If you roll doubles but already have the number covered, you do not roll again.) If you roll a seven, you must remove a nickel from your card and place it in the kitty. If you roll a seven but have no nickels on your card, you must take a nickel from your bank and place it in the kitty.
The first player to fill their card wins the kitty but only after the other players have added one nickel for each uncovered number on their card.
Click Image Below for Game Packet