Items required: paired pictures of common animals; one set would consist of cows, at least two but you may need four/dogs, cats, horses, sheep, pigs, and chickens; other pictures of the same animal type but in different poses, colors or sizes.
Gather participants around the table. Greet each one by name, eye contact, and touch.
Present one of the paired pictures and move it close to each individual so they can see it clearly. Tell them what animal it is. “This is a chicken”. When everyone has seen it, place it in front of one participant and choose a second picture of a paired set. Present it as you did the first and then place it in front of a second participant. Continue until all the animals have been looked at and labeled by you. Each participant may have two, three, or four animal cards in front of them.
Next, present the second picture from a paired set. Tell everyone what it is and ask them to find its mate. “This is a cow. Do you have a cow?” Work to elicit an answer if necessary. Once it is placed on top of its mate, continue with a second picture and so on until all the paired sets are matched.
Items required: pictures of common farm animals/model animals from farm sets.
Gather participants around the table and greet everyone by first name and eye contact.
Present one model animal and ask what it is. Elicit an answer using clues leading up to the name. Then present the printed label card that matches the animal and place it with the model in front of one participant. Draw out a second animal and card and do the same. Continue until all the animal models and cards are on the table with participant.
Next, present an animal picture and ask what it is. Again, elicit an answer. Then ask if any participant has such an animal in front of them. Encourage scrutiny and slowly edge the picture toward the individual having the model. Emphasize the likeness between the model animal and the picture. Pull out a second animal picture and do the same. Continue until all pictures are on the table.
To close the activity, ask participants to place their pictures in a brown envelope and to put the model animals back into their container. Thank everyone for their participation before helping them to their next destination.