We have a large American flag displayed on a wall in our facility. Family members bring in photos of their loved ones who have served in the military and the pictures are displayed on the flag.
A week before veteran’s day, staff visit with each veteran resident. During the interview, the vet is asked the branch of military in which they served, where they were stationed, and what their exit rank was. This information is printed on a card. A photo prop of a boquet of American flags in a red vase is positioned close to the veteran’s head and shoulders as a “head shot” is all we want. The photos are then mounted on red and blue construction paper, the information card is attached, and then mounted again on a large white tag board.

On Veteran’s Day, the photo display is placed on an easel and situated at the entry to the room where dinner will be served. Tables are covered with read and blue plastic table covers and have center pieces of small American flag bouquets, in red, white, or blue vases. Red, white, and blue confetti can be sprinkled on the table tops as well. There are numerous red, white, and blue decorations available at dollar stores and it seems that more decorations make for a more special gathering. We have included some pictures here to lend ideas on quotes or poems to display. Notice we also display a shadow box with a uniform worn by a veteran.

All veteran’s receive a special invitation to join us for dinner on Veteran’s Day. Once assembled, a staff member reads the poem and the facility deacon or chaplain says a prayer for the occasion. Then, each vet is introduced, his/her branch of service, his/her station, and rank are shared and they are given a special round of applause.

The dinner menu has included pizza, cheesy bread sticks, and beer with vanilla ice cream for dessert served with blue raspberry and strawberry syrup, and of course, a cherry on top.
On Veterans Day we honor our servicemen and women, past and present. Below you will find a link to a packet of information detailing some of the history of America. You will also find a prayer, poems and quotes.