This activity does require considerable preparation but it is well worth the effort. Seven stations are prepared representing the seven different continent. Each station consists of several items.
There is a stand-up display (3-fold units are easily obtained from Walmart) that holds pictures from the different countries of the continent. Europe, for example, might include pictures of the Eiffel Tower, the coliseum, German castles, the Tower of London, etc. Choose easily recognizable sites and include a label with its name and location.
A food item from one or two of the countries is prepared and made available to the “travelers” in small cups. The European continent might serve sauerkraut with sausage, pizza, scones, tea or any other definitive ethnic food treat. The Asian continent might serve coconut rice with fresh mango (our participants loved this dish!).
Small flags of the countries within each continent were also displayed.
Music from one of the countries represented is a great touch. If it is hard to find, consider using classical music by the country’s leading composer.
More information is provided in the activity packet.
Please click on the image to download the activity packet.